▍DNBelab C4单细胞平台介绍
DNBelab C4系列是华大智造推出的单细胞平台。该技术基于Drop-seq的液滴捕获原理,高效捕获细胞并且获取单个细胞内的分子信息。
2022年3月,嘉因生物成为华大智造首批DNBelab C4系列高通量单细胞RNA文库制备认证服务商。2023年,嘉因生物再次获得认证,持续推进该项技术的推广和发展。
▍DNBelab C4单细胞的技术优势
优势一:CNS等高分文章认可。DNBelab C4平台已经协助客户发表文章50余篇,累计影响因子超过740。
优势三:华大scRNA-seq和华大空转平台Stereo-seq双剑合璧,冲击高分文章; scRNA-seq和scATAC-seg联合研究,深入挖掘转录调控机制。
首发 嘉因生物是首批华大DNBelab C4认证服务商和拥有首篇客户文章的服务商。并且是华大单细胞和时空组学双平台认证服务商。
2022年7月15日,同济大学高绍荣院士课题组在Protein & Cell杂志在线发表题为“Bilineageembryo-like structure from EPS cells can produce live mice with tetraploid trophectoderm”的研究论文。该项研究阐述了EPS-blastoids存在植入后发育缺陷的原因和机制。文中C4单细胞实验由嘉因生物协助完成。
解离专业 嘉因生物承表观科研服务10年之经验,拥有丰富的组织解离与提核技巧。解离有嘉因,请老师放心。
分析专业 特殊课题可提供交互式分析服务,直接对接分析工程师,分析需求直接传递。
▍DNBelab C4单细胞文章精选
期刊 | 文章标题 |
Nature | Rolling back of human pluripotent stem cells to an 8-cell embryo-like stage |
Nature | Cell transcriptomic atlas of the adult non-human primate Macaca fascicularis |
Cell | Single-cell spatial transcriptome reveals cell-type organization in macaque cortex |
Cell | Live birth of chimeric monkey with high contribution from embryonic stem cells |
Cell | Single-cell spatial transcriptome reveals cell-type organization in macaque cortex |
Cell Research | An invasive zone in human liver cancer identified by Stereo-seq promotes hepatocyte-tumor cell crosstalk, local immunosuppression and tumor progression |
Cell Research | Evolutionarily conservative and non-conservative regulatory networks during primate interneuron development revealed by single-cell RNA and ATAC sequencing |
Cell Research | An invasive zone in human liver cancer identified by Stereo-seq promotes hepatocyte-tumor cell crosstalk, local immunosuppression and tumor progression |
Immunity | Single-Cell Sequencing of Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Reveals Distinct Immune Response Landscapes of COVID-19 and Influenza Patients |
The Innovation | Single-cell transcriptome sequencing reveals the immune response and homeostasis mechanism following administration of BBIBP-CorV SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine |
Nature Ecology & Evolution | A single-cell transcriptomic atlas tracking the neural basis of division of labor in an ant superorganism |
Nature Communications | Endothelial cell heterogeneity and microglia regulons revealed by a pig cell landscape at single-cell level |
Nature Communications | Spatially resolved gene regulatory and disease-related vulnerability map of the adult Macaque cortex |
Nature Communications | Inflammation promotes resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in high microsatellite instability colorectal cancer |
Nature Communications | GDF11 slows excitatory neuronal senescence and brain ageing by repressing p21 |
Nature Communications | Interferonstimulatedimmuneprofile changesinahumanizedmousemodelof HBVinfection |
Nature Communications | A single-cell atlas of West African lungfish respiratory system reveals evolutionary adaptations to terrestrialization |
Nature Communications | Single cell multi-omics reveal intra-cell-line heterogeneity across human cancer cell lines |
Nature Communications | Single-cell multi-omics analysis of human testicular germ cell tumor reveals its molecular features and microenvironment |
Nature Communications | Spatially resolved gene regulatory and disease-related vulnerability map of the adult Macaque cortex |
Advanced Science | Loss-of-Function of p21-Activated Kinase 2 Links BMP Signaling to Neural Tube Patterning Defects |
Protein & Cell | Bilineage embryo-like structure from EPS cells can produce live mice with tetraploid trophectoderm |